What does it take to become a Q grader?

A Q Grader is an individual who is credentialed by the Coffee Quality Institute (CQI) to grade and score coffees utilizing standards developed by the Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA). We asked Estelle MacGilp, our Green Coffee Buyer to share with us what this qualification involves and her experience: So, three years ago I … Continued

The Cup Movement: Reducing the use of paper coffee cups

It is estimated that 478 million single-use cups are used in Scotland each year, approximately 95 million of these are used in our community in greater Glasgow. Unfortunately, the waterproof plastic lining on paper cups means that only 4% are currently recycled and the remainder often end up in landfill or as litter on our … Continued

Introducing the S200: The newest addition to our range of Synesso coffee machines

As the official UK, Ireland and European distributor of Synesso artisan espresso machines, Matthew Algie are proud to announce the introduction of the S200 to our traditional machine range. Based in Seattle, Synesso is a U.S manufacturer of high-spec espresso machines renowned for their unparalleled thermal stability, user friendliness and reliability. James Hennebry, co-owner of … Continued

Your 2019 Social Media Checklist

Dozens of new features are released across social media platforms annually. And yet, many coffee businesses admit their social media strategy hasn’t changed much over the past few years. If your coffee business is looking to up its social media game in 2019, our checklist will help you identify any areas for improvement & get … Continued

A Success Story from Peru

Between 2013-15, Matthew Algie worked with the San Juan del Oro Coffee Cooperative in Southern Peru as part of a collaborative project focussing on adaptation to climate change and good water stewardship. Following on from the success of this award-winning project, 2015-18 saw Matthew Algie partner in a multi-stakeholder programme alongside UK retailer Marks & Spencer; coffee … Continued

Recycling coffee cups: What’s the solution?

With a growing consumer awareness around the damaging effects of single-use plastics, it’s time for the coffee industry to adapt.   Addressing the problem.  Since the airing of Blue Planet II in 2017, UK consumers have shown increasing concern regarding the pollution of our world’s oceans and ecosystems – especially in relation to societies ‘throw … Continued

Cold Brew Coffee: What’s it all about?

Cold brew coffee is exactly what the name suggests – coffee that has been brewed without heat.   Why is cold brew increasing in popularity? If you’ve ever tried cold brew coffee, you’ll know that it has a completely unique taste, which may be anything from mild to intense depending on which beans were used and, above … Continued